Gold : Silver Ratio
Current Ratio
89,1110 Year Change
+15,74 +21,46%10 Year high 123,26
10 Year low 64,55

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Gold : Silver Price Ratio - 10 Years
Keep track of the gold to silver price ratio for the last 10 years with BullionByPost.
A decade is a long time in finance and investment, but with our handy charts you can see the history of gold against silver and how the price for the two metals have shifted over time.
The gold - silver ratio is a simple tool that shows how many ounces of silver buys one ounce of gold. The average is around 50-60 ounces of silver to 1 ounce of gold. Higher than this and silver is considered cheap, lower and gold is considered cheap.
At BullionByPost our gold to silver ratio charts use the latest figures direct from the markets, with chart updates every two minutes.
- Metal Price Charts
- Gold Price
- Silver Price
- Platinum Price
- Palladium Price
- Reverse Ratio Charts
- Silver : Gold Ratio
- Platinum : Gold Ratio
- Silver : Platinum Ratio