Gold to Silver Ratio for Last 3 Years
Current Ratio
88,733 Year Change
+9,07 +11,39%3 Year high 95,72
3 Year low 73,08

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3Y Gold: Silver Ratio
The gold: silver ratio describes how many troy ounces of silver it would take to buy one troy ounce of gold according to the precious metals’ respective spot prices. The above chart demonstrates how this relationship has changed over the last 3 years. Although it fluctuates constantly, we can see that the general pattern has been a gradual increase in the ratio between gold and silver, continuing a trend that began when the price of both precious metals peaked in April 2011.
Both metals have decreased significantly in value since then, but it is the huge drop in the silver spot price that has been the strongest force behind this growing difference. In early 2016 silver was worth almost one third of its 2011 value, and is currently almost 80 times cheaper than gold.
Investors, especially those with a fondness for silver, may view this as a sign that it is a good time to buy silver bars or coins. The gold : silver ratio is currently particularly high and is expected to drop at some point in the future.
- Metal Price Charts
- Gold Price
- Silver Price
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- Palladium Price
- Reverse Ratio Charts
- Silver : Gold Ratio
- Platinum : Gold Ratio
- Silver : Platinum Ratio