Metal Prices
Gold Price 2 792,60 € 2 323,15 £ 2 880,44 $
Silver Price 31,09 € 25,86 £ 32,09 $

Half Sovereign Victoria Young Head Shield Back 1838 - 1887

Below is our full range of Victoria Young Head Half Sovereigns. Issued between 1838 and 1887, the Young Head Half Sovereigns cover the majority of Victoria's reign and were produced in their millions as circulating currency to Britain and its empire.

All of the coins below will have been tested by our team for authenticity, and include free, fully insured delivery.

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Queen Victoria Young Head Half Sovereign

The Queen Victoria Young Head Half Sovereign features the more unusual 'Shield Back' design rather than the classic St George and Dragon design the coins are typically known for. Beyond this difference however they contain the same amount of gold as other Half Sovereigns - 3.65 grams - and are struck in 22 carat purity. This was done to help improve the coins durability while it was being used as a currency coin for Britain at the time.

Young Head Half Sovereigns with Queen Victoria on the obverse were mostly struck at the London mint, but as the gold rush started in Australia in the mid-1800s, the Sydney and Melbourne mint were opened and began producing Young Head Half Sovereigns as well. These internationally produced coins feature mint marks to show which mint struck them.

The age of the coin does mean however that good condition examples, especially those produced in Australia can still sell beyond their metal value, and will typically be purchased by collectors rather than investors.